Where do I Keep it Redux

Streamlight Microstream provided for scale.

So with all the talk of bypass tools and lockpicks this week, I figured I’d show you how I carry these all around with me. They’re kept in this tool roll – the amusingly named “Foldanizer” from ITS Tactical. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a big fan of the nylon products from ITS.

As you can see, the Sparrows bump hammer fits nicely in the case, and so does everything else. The Foldanizer also has an interesting feature that I don’t currently make use of – it has a large swath of hard Velcro on the outside, allowing you to mount it places if you so desire – they even sell a mount at ITS that will allow you to put it on the back of your vehicle’s headrest.

Thoughtfully they also include a matching patch of soft Velcro to cover it if you don’t use it, as you can see above. Also, if you open it all the way, there’s some more soft Velcro on the inside of the last panel that allows you to mount some of the other bags ITS offers to the Foldanizer, which is neat but I haven’t personally found a need for it.

There’s plenty of extra room in the Foldanizer, if I wanted to cram a bunch of other stuff I totally could, but I prefer to keep its width down to let it fit more comfortably in my backpack. It’d be a great tool roll for just about anything – cords, medical supplies, whatever you need to organize. This is just my use case.
