Newest (Sharp) Addition

Oh, the puns are back!

As you can see, this is a Sharpie marker that’s my latest addition to my regular carry, primarily for work. This particular one was a freebie from SHOT show, but they’re quite easily available at most stores… assuming there hasn’t been a nonsensical run on markers like there has been on TP.

As you can see, it’s quite compact with a nicely sharp point on it, especially as compared to my well-used regular one above.

It also has a keychain attachment that can be snapped on or off; particularly useful for those of us who may want to do something like attach it to a lanyard or an ID badge retractor. I tend to keep it in my pocket, so I actually popped the keychain attachment off and keep it on my backpack, just in case.

Helpfully, these little guys also come in many different colors – I happened to find a red one at SHOT as well, which is neat.

As far as why I keep one around, I’ve found it helpful for a number of daily tasks, including taking notes, marking items I don’t want somebody to walk off with, and as a backup for emergency situations (things like marking times on a tourniquet, or marking that a patient has a tourniquet).

I’m sure it’s not for everybody, but I’ve found it’s pretty useful to have the little guy around – we’ll see how long it lasts!
